Record your notes on any document

 Record your notes on any document

Skitch is a tool that lets you take notes on any document - whether it's an image, a map, or even a PDF document or written text - from your Android device.

The Skitch interface enables you to move easily between the different types of media content that you can work with, by swiping your finger from left to right to access images, maps, websites, PDF documents, or even white pages, you just have to choose one of them to start using your finger as a pen to write your feedback.

Skitch includes the classic writing tools like colored pens and more to write arrows or insert typed text, and underline words. All of these tools, including one for control, are designed to work well with photos and maps.

Skitch is an interesting tool that's especially useful for anyone who wants to take notes from their Android device. After completion, you will be able to share your work on any of the applications installed on your device.

All you have to do now is to click on the phrase “Download from here” at the bottom of the article, then click on the phrase “Download from here” at the bottom of the article in English.

Download from here

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