Practice your anesthesia skills with this game

 Practice your anesthesia skills with this game

The TIVA experience is a serious medical game to train your anesthesia skills, download the Serious Anesthesia app and perform TIVA/TCI anesthesia on different patients during various procedures in our virtual operating room, in the future more games will be added to the Serious Anesthesia app.

The serious game TIVA Experience was developed in collaboration with Professor A. Absalom, an anesthesiologist and author of numerous articles and books on the subject.

The game is suitable for anyone working in the field of anesthesiology and is free to play. Teva Experience is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education and the Dutch Medical Association NVAM and has obtained the quality mark from the Dutch Society for Simulation in Healthcare.

All you have to do now is to click on the phrase “Download from here” at the bottom of the article, and then click on the phrase “Download from here” at the bottom of the article in English.

Download from here

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