A useful tasbeeh app that helps you count, focus, and know how many tasbeehs you have done
With this
application, count your dhikr and praises, and you can dispense with the rosary
easily and without messing up or forgetting what you have done of praise.
- There is no doubt that every remembrance or glorification has a specific number that is preferred to
adhered to and therefore
I found the rosary to help me count and focus.
- Nowadays you may not remember to take
the Rosary with you everywhere you go
But you take
your phone with you wherever you go.
- That is why this application was
implemented, with which you can praise and add blessings
For your time
and your day anywhere when time allows you or there is an opportunity at
(work, school, park, waiting room, etc..).
- There is no longer anything to distract
you from remembering God and praising Him when you download this application
You will be
able to do tasbeeh and recite dhikr in an organized and smooth manner, in
accordance with the requirements of the Quran
Your daily
program and best of all, the dhikr will accompany you wherever you go.
removes anxiety and grief, brings sustenance, revives the heart, and benefits
its owner in times of adversity.
It provides
security from grief on the Day of Resurrection, inheriting the servant's love
for God, observing Him, knowledge of Him, and returning to Him.
And closeness
to him and many countless virtues. So glorify the praise of your Lord, and be among
those who prostrate.
What are the
supplications available in the application?
- forgiveness of God
- There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is
the Messenger of Allah
- Praise God
- Thank God
- God blessings on Muhammad
- There is no power but from God
- Hallelujah and praise, Hallelujah great
- Oh God, you are my Lord, there is no
god but you, you created me and I am your servant, and I am on your covenant
and promise as much as I can
Seek refuge
in You from the evil of what I have done. I acknowledge your favor upon me and
I recognize my sin, so forgive me, for no one forgives sins except you.
To download
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