The application of supplications for the month of Shaban and its deeds is now in your hands
comprehensive application for the virtue of the month of Sha'ban, the beloved
deeds in it, and supplications to draw closer to God
In this holy
What are the contents of the application?
Call it the
days of the week
Call it the
month of Sha'ban
- The works of the month of Sha'ban
- The monologue of the month of Sha'ban
- Special audios for the month of Sha'ban
The virtue of the month of Shaban
The month of
Sha’ban is one of the most virtuous months that the Messenger of God, may God’s
prayers and peace be upon him, used to do.
He fasts all
or most of it, and it is one of the most beloved months to his heart, as the
month of Sha`ban falls between two months
They are
great, the month of Ramadan and the month of Rajab
A person may
overlook this month and its bounty, so Messenger used to fast a lot during it
It is also a
month in which deeds are raised to God Almighty, and this was mentioned in the
noble hadith contained
On the
authority of Osama bin Zaid in his saying: “O Messenger of God! I have not seen
you fast in any of the months as you fast in Sha’ban!
He said: This
is a month to which people are heedless, between Rajab and Ramadan, and it is a
month in which deeds are raised to the Lord of the Worlds.
I would love
for my deeds to be taken up while I am fasting.” And God knows best.
- The month of Sha'ban is the month that
precedes the month of Ramadan, the month of fasting, mercy, and forgiveness
And it is a
month in which people neglect worship, so diligence and fasting in it is
desirable and recommended.
Obedience at
the time of heedlessness has a great reward
obedience, and worship in this month also prepare the soul for the next month
And get her
accustomed to obedience and patience in worship, and that diligence in this
month is the way to victory
In month of
Ramadan, it makes a person enter the month of Ramadan on the verge of obedience
and worship, and God knows best.
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