With the Hi Dictionary Free Apk program, you will be able to get the great capabilities that you need in the problems that you face regarding written texts and translations that you do not know and want to convert, as the program has great capabilities and superior capabilities in converting sentences, articles, and large written texts, as it supports many languages Distinctive, as it has many lists and many customizations and elements that can be accessed and used for free with the wonderful and amazing interface that it contains, and you will find a list of favorites in which you can save all the texts that you converted before in order to return to them at a later time and that list can be edited On it at any time, such as adding more as well as deleting it as you wish, you will be the only one in control of it, as it is easy to use and also includes privacy and security elements as no one can access it and see all the operations that you perform, as well as entering the chat or conversations that you transfer Therefore, it is one of the great programs that offers a database of distinguished encryptions and many free services available to everyone in idu It without restrictions.
After downloading High Definition Free for Android, you will have the photography option, which allows you to use the camera, but you must initially give permission in order for it to access the camera in order for it to work efficiently, and then you can photograph and capture all the pages that you have and documents, as it automatically recognizes them and the texts inside and after them Choose the language in which it is written and choose the languages you want to convert to, and then it will put the pages for you with simultaneous and automatic translation, and it can be saved and downloaded to your personal phone, and it also allows you to access all the messaging applications that you use, as it supports everyone and does the conversation with anyone You want it from any country and speaks any language, then write in the language you want, and it will convert it into the language of this person while you are inside the message box without leaving it, and then when this person sends the message to you, he will convert it into the language you speak to make it easier for you to deal with all users It also automatically recognizes all the articles that your friends have added or the pages that you are subscribed to, and once you click on it, it will show you the many options Rah that makes you get the translation.
Features of Hi Dictionary Free Apk | Download High Definition Free for Android
Within the Hi Dictionary Free Apk program, you can translate all the texts you want in a short time and with great ease.
It does not consume a lot of resources, and it also uses the internal camera to identify the pages and documents that you own.
It includes many languages available to you for free, with the ability to use the service within messaging applications and the chat box.
It can be used when browsing web pages and websites and it automatically translates articles within those pages for you to read.
After downloading High Dictionary Free for Android, all translations you have made before can be saved and downloaded to your phone.
Google play: click here
For download free: click here
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