In a different way this time and interesting to study and collect medical information in one book, a book of 300 information "until the opposite is proven", a book directed to medical students in clinical years that includes 300 medical information in a way until the opposite is proven in both Arabic and English.
The content of the book provides the possibility to learn the skill of the diagnostic approach and how to make the initial decision for diagnostic procedures, especially for medical students during their years of study, as well as for physicians in the first years of residence, as the book helps to learn to take an initial diagnostic approach and a diagnostic decision based on an idea until proven otherwise. .
The book is 31 pages that includes a valuable set of medical information in the format “until the opposite is proven.” The information is comprehensive for all internal affairs, surgeries, gynecology, obstetrics and pediatrics. The source of information is from Damascus University lectures for the fourth and fifth academic years at the Faculty of Human Medicine, as well as from a reference The famous Davidson, and the book is prepared and written by Dr. Salah Yusuf Fakhorji.
Examples from the book:
Every cough with fever that does not improve with antibiotics within two weeks is tuberculosis until proven otherwise
The most important clinical manifestation of vulvar cancer in females is severe chronic itching.
to download the book click here
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