Space pinball is back on smartphones
Once you saw only a picture of this game, you probably remembered the famous and strange sound of the beginning music for it, as this game was one of several old games on Windows systems during the nineties and early millennium, and perhaps there is no one who used Windows systems up to Windows XP without trying this The game, which was actually only a promotional version, is part of a complete game that includes many other game tables, but while the full version is not known, everyone knows the marketing version.
In the event that you want an exact copy of the original game, you will only find a version dedicated to Android phones only, and it is not available within the Google Play Store, and it also requests permissions to access storage space and location information, which makes it very suspicious.
But there are two other free versions of Pinball games and they both include tables that are similar to the one everyone is familiar with, but not exactly the same.
Space Pinball is easy to play, as the gameplay is very similar to any other pinball game: just tap on the right side of the screen to use the right flipper, then tap on the left side of the screen to use the left flipper, the goal is to get as many as possible of points before you run out of balls.
All you have to do now is click on the download from here button at the bottom of the article.
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