View your Android content graphically


View your Android content graphically

An application for displaying unwanted files, or things that you no longer use anymore and are gone

Forget It is completely graphic, allowing you to locate and delete anything you don't need without need

To review what it's all about.

- The application reads from the device storage list of files and data for the file

(name, path, size, date of last modification, and file preview) in order to generate statistics

  The device is displayed in the form of a report file usage chart and pie chart.

- The main window of the application will show you in a colorful graphic how much space you have

Occupied by each category: videos, photos, apps... Click on any of them

To know how much space each file occupies and delete it with just one click.

All files located in internal and external storage, SD card, or USB device are presented in an organized way:

By category (documents, videos, music, etc.)

By file size (large, large, medium, etc.).

By file date (today, yesterday, earlier this week, last week,

earlier this month etc.)

Application features:

- The best interactive browser for storage space

- Find lost cache files. It helps free up disk space by finding and deleting large files.

- This application is an essential complement to any simple and convenient file browser for searching files by size.

"To download 

click here"

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