In this link, I present to you the five most important religious


In this link, I present to you the five most important religious sites that you should check out... on the occasion of the Prophet’s Birthday.

The first: Islam Online website

This site is distinguished by its many topics, articles, and various studies. To delve deeper into understanding matters of religion, and in addition to that, it is characterized by diversity in its content of different issues and issues.

In addition, it addresses topics that concern the public; To put a radical ruling on it, and it also contains articles and links to religious lessons.

Second: The Islam Way website

This site contains a group of different scholars and sheikhs. You can follow what you want through their articles and fatwas, and you can also interact with them as they raise topics that concern the public. It also includes some books, sermons, and consultations in various aspects of life.

Third: Al-Durar Al-Sunniyya website, the modern and jurisprudential encyclopedia

This website is also considered a reference and reliable source for many fatwas, as it includes a group of scholars in various religious fields.

In addition, it includes a huge encyclopedia, such as interpretation, doctrine, jurisprudence, and religions.

Fourth: Aloka site

The site is considered one of the most famous sites dealing with science, consulting, and also scholars, writers, and others specialized in academic finance who answer various inquiries.


This site will benefit you in knowing the history, the events of the Muslims, and the battles that befell them.

In addition, you can find a collection of articles and religious sciences under the supervision of Dr. Ragheb Al-Sarjani.

You can also find a huge encyclopedia on various religious sciences, as well as a library and a huge scientific council.

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