An application that addresses problems of vitamin D deficiency in your body
A free app for your phone that helps you determine when and how much vitamin D to take
That your body makes it from exposure to sunlight and you can customize the app
By entering your age, height, weight, skin type and location.
- This application was developed by the expert specializing in vitamin D, Dr
Michael Holick, uses your information to determine when to go out into the sun
The platform then calculates your exposure to sunlight, so you can...
Meet your vitamin needs without getting sunburned.
- Wherever you go in this world. The app tracks the sun and tells you when you can get up
On vitamin D.
- The stopwatch interface allows you to set your session goal, whether by vitamin amount
“D” to be achieved or the time after which your goal will be calculated
Up or down.
- With this application you will get all the factors that determine the amount of Vitamin D you need to get,
That is, skin color, age, weight, and the amount of skin exposed to the sun.
"To download
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