Medication dose calculator for children

 Medication dose calculator for children

The Children's Dosage Calculator application can calculate the exact dose of syrup and suspension for children 0-15 years old, as well as a suppository for children 0-15 years old and adults (assuming they are over 45-50 kg) who cannot swallow tablets or capsules.

Application features:

  The ability to accurately enter the weight of the child.

Estimating the child's weight according to the child's age, according to the World Health Organization's weight tables.

More than 50 medicines.

Classification of drugs into 5 groups, antibiotics, analgesics and antipyretics, antihistamines and corticosteroids, gastrointestinal drugs, respiratory drugs.

A warning when the drug is not recommended under a certain age.

Observe the maximum dose for each drug.

  Based on the latest information 2020.

Easy and quick to use for doctors, pharmacists and nurses.

They contain most medicines used for children.

All you have to do now is click on the download from here phrase at the bottom of the article, then click on the download from here phrase at the bottom of the article in English.

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