Find treasure with this fun game


Find treasure with this fun game

The game is suitable for parties and summer holidays, as it can be played by all children and young adults

Adults can enjoy this game which is easy to organize and play but the hardest part

In them is to find creative ideas.

Recommendations to win the game:

- Preferably a treasure hunt theme.

Give the players a bag or box to carry things.

- Make sure that each team has a camera if you ask the players to photograph things.

All things can be connected.

- It is preferable to have a mobile phone with each team if the game is outside or in the neighborhood,

So you can reach them if they get lost.

- You can give different prizes to the losers than the original prize, if that's a good idea

The players are young, so you avoid their feelings of jealousy, grief over their loss, and tantrums.

- You can congratulate all teams by giving them a symbolic prize that differs from the prize for winning.

To download 

click here

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