Check weather conditions
Accuweather is an application that helps you know the weather forecast for your area in a few seconds, you can know the temperature, humidity, visibility, wind, sunrise and sunset hours.
All you have to do to get all this information is manually enter your location on the device, or just let the device recognize the location using GPS.
The best thing about Accuweather is that when you move your finger on the screen you will see the exact temperature and wind throughout the different hours of the day. In this way, you can avoid a common mistake of leaving the house in a summer shirt only to realize later that it is rainy and cold.
You can, of course, see forecasts for the next days on the other tabs, and even use Google Maps. You also have the possibility to watch weather forecast videos for all of Europe.
Accuweather is the most complete weather forecast app you can find on Android devices. The app not only offers everything you need about the weather but also a simple and convenient interface.
All you have to do now is to click on the phrase “download from here” at the bottom of the article, then click on “download from here” at the bottom of the article in English.
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