An application that enhances the security of your profiles


An application that enhances the security of your profiles

It is an application that allows you to add an extra layer of protection to profiles

Your Important gives you the possibility to store your passwords or

Create the most secure options for using the Internet.

- It's the easiest way to enable two-factor authentication (or multi-factor authentication) for verification

of your identity and securely log into accounts to preserve your personal data

And password protected from electronic threats and it's 100% free.

- Easily restore tokens using backups and add protection

Passcode or biometrics app, it's open source, transparent and community-driven.

- The application comes with a protected system to open the application that requires you to use a fingerprint

Your finger or a custom password to access the verification process.

How the application works:

Create a Checklist Once you've created your 2-step checklist, that's all you have to do

Is to click on the options you want for 2FAS Auth to generate an auto code you can also

Copy it to your clipboard right away. Thanks to this super-fast method,

You will have instant but secure access to your accounts. in addition,

The application allows you to generate secure passwords to improve your security; 2FAS Auth will remember

yours, so it doesn't matter how complex each password is.

To download 

click here

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