An application to make your personal signature electronically
application that provides your signature by writing your name only to be given
to you
signature is ready. Depending on your name, you can draw your creative
signature using more than 90 styles
of his signature styles and with 1000+ colors and in small x to large x font size.
- It is one of the best applications that
make you get a signature when writing your name,
So that it
enjoys ease of use and simplicity of its interface, in addition to being
available for free
It can be
downloaded across various smart playback devices, moreover, it is
Featured apps
that got good reviews.
How to create
a signature:
Enter your
name in the text field.
- Click on Create button
- Select signature style (you can also
change signature, color from color box).
- Signature style is changeable in
different ways it can be changed from a button
, << (previous), >> (next)
buttons, by clicking the save button
On the
appendix platform, it will save the current signature in the SD card.
- If you share the current signature with
your friends via social media
or messages,
use the Share button (at the top right of the screen).
- Color Picker is also included which
provides hundreds of colors.
- Extra feature is added just like the
paint you can draw a signature with a pen,
The color of
the signature can be changed, and an eraser is added that is used when mistakes
are made
While drawing
a signature it will give you feelings like drawing on paper.
- Contains different styles of signatures
- Hand-paint signature in different
colors and styles.
- Save it to your phone or SD card.
- Change brush sizes.
- Redraw signature.
To download
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