An application for supplications and acts of worship that you perform in the ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah
and worship are all answered in the ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah, days of virtue
that God loves
We will
present to you a short prayer of Dhul-Hijjah, which is one of the answered
prayers in a month
Dhul Hijjah that many people would like to know.
On the 10th
of Dhul-Hijjah, Muslims rush to compete in acts of worship.
and try to
complete it in the best way; Until they approach the Lord of the Servants, and
The highest
degrees, and as one of the blessed months contains the ten best days in
Sunnah (the
first 10 days of Dhu al-Hijjah), we have compiled a collection of the ten
supplications of Dhu al-Hijjah, ten supplications
Dhu al-Hijjah
beautiful posts to read during this holy month.
- Supplication on the day of Arafah
written, supplications on the day of Arafah
The day of
Arafah is considered one of the best days of supplication in the whole year, as
the Messenger of God said
“May God bless him and grant him peace”:
“The best supplication is the supplication on the day of Arafah..and the best
of what I said is myself
And the
prophets before me: “There is no god but God alone, He has no partner, He is
the kingdom, and He is the praise.
It is overall
- The application provides pictures of
the day of Arafah, the most beautiful encyclopedia of special pictures of the
day of Arafat, the day of Arafah
It is the
ninth day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, and it is considered one of the best
days for Muslims, as it is one of the days
During the
ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah, we put for you in this post pictures of the Arafah
stand with supplications written on it
The Day of
Arafah and the virtue of the Day of Arafah, the largest image library that contains
many backgrounds and pictures of the day
Arafa will
impress all of you on the occasion of the approaching day of Arafa and Eid
To download
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