A unique adventure with anime and manga heroes with One Piece: Fighting Path

 A unique adventure with anime and manga heroes with One Piece: Fighting Path

One Piece: Fighting Path is a role-playing game where you'll have tons of adventures with some of the most famous manga and anime heroes of all time.

You feel like you're in real battles where you'll have to control heroes like Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and other characters from the popular One Piece manga series brought to life by Eiichiro Oda.

Set in the desert, you'll set out on your adventure controlling Monkey D. Luffy on the same day he leaves Foosha Village on a quest to fulfill his dream of becoming the 'Pirate King'.

During the demo of this game you will meet the hero Coby and have to fight against Lady Alvida's group, all while trying to learn the basic concepts of this game and discover the regions of the East Blue.

The game is divided into two main parts:

part One:

It's about exploring the sights, whether on foot or by boat.

The second part:

battles in real time.

As you explore the world of One Piece, you can start conversations with NPCs and other players, search for objects scattered around the game scenes, or go on missions that require certain conditions.

The game takes you to worlds of action and role-playing in the atmosphere and worlds of the One Piece series, and you will control a group that includes a maximum of three characters, as is the case in other games inspired by anime series, and you will control the camera point of view freely through three-dimensional scenes, as well You will be able to move your heroes with the virtual joystick that appears on the left side of the screen, and the action buttons you will find them on the right. For this you have to create a well-balanced team of heroes who will be able to face any type of enemy.

All you have to do now is to click on the download from here button at the bottom of the article.

Download from here.

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