Your Free Online Marketer With Crystal Reports App:
The field of digital marketing is one of the most important and most important areas that generate a lot of revenue and high profits, and in this same context, the e-marketer needs great help in order to manage his advertising campaigns and work to monitor and update them constantly.
The application is designed to help manage data as well as create advertising campaigns by using artificial intelligence techniques, in addition to containing a set of tools that help analyze data for the number of visitors, and enable you to track all data related to advertising campaigns, which helps to skip making mistakes and improve all your sales , which doubles your profits.
Crystal Reports is designed to produce the report you want from almost any data source Built-in reporting experts guide you step-by-step through creating reports and completing common reporting tasks Formulas, cross-tabs, subreports, and conditional formatting help you make sense of your data and reveal important relationships that may be hidden. Geographic maps and charts convey information visually when words and numbers just aren't enough.
SAP Crystal Reports is a business intelligence tool that helps generate reports from SAP as well as non-SAP data sources, knowledge of this tool is an added advantage for managers and business leaders who can generate advanced level high quality reports that will help them make better strategic decisions. This tutorial covers the basic concepts of SAP Crystal Reports and how you can use them to create professional reports.
All you have to do now is to click on the phrase “download from here” at the bottom of the article.
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