:My Study Life, organizes your study life
We all live in an atmosphere of stress when exams are approaching, as we feel that time is running out, no matter how much we prepare and follow up before, My Study Life application enables you to organize and schedule your study materials to achieve the greatest degree of productivity.
One of the strengths of My Study Life is that everything is automatically stored in the cloud without the need for manual storage, so you can access everything from whatever device you're using.
The application allows you to easily create a complete calendar and structure that is linked in a way that includes everything you need to do on a daily basis.
How to use the application:
After downloading the application using the link at the bottom of the article, create a personal account to be able to log in. Two options will appear for you, either a professor or a student. Choose what suits you best. Enter your personal information, then select your academic schedule, daily tasks, and exam dates.
The most important features of the application:
It makes daily, weekly and monthly scheduling.
You can add the colors that suit you.
You can create an alert to remind you of your various tasks.
You can schedule semester and annual exam dates.
Supports the Arabic language.
I will now leave you with a link to download the application to enjoy a more organized study life. To download, click on “Download from here” at the bottom of the article.
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