Accurately calculate your age in years, days, months, and hours


Accurately calculate your age in years, days, months, and hours

Now you can calculate your age from anywhere and at any time Calculate the age

By date of birth and know your exact age in years, days, and months.

- The application helps you to calculate your age or your friend's age using built-in rich functions

It's not just about calculating age, you can calculate anything with just one click

From the EMI calculator, the GST calculator to change inches to meters with unit conversion

All in one application.

Application features:

- An application that quickly determines your total age in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

- Works as an EMI Calculator - You can calculate the EMI of any of your loans taken from the bank.

- The GST Calculator - All GST and tax calculations at your fingertips

- And also a unit converter that converts all units in a few seconds,

Convert Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit, Millimeters, Meters,

and Kelly meter, etc. with the help of this unit calculator.

- Calculates the age of pets: This will allow you to calculate the age of your pet or a friend's animal

Any age basically any pet.

- Uses a calculator to calculate discrete multiplication addition and division of all basic functions with perfect accuracy.

To download 

click here

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