An application for the best supplications and recommended deeds on Laylat al-Qadr

An application for the best supplications and recommended deeds on Laylat al-Qad

Laylat al-Qadr is a great night, and its virtue is great for those who revive it, and it is a night

It is general for all Muslims, and its revival is through prayer, the Qur’an, and dhikr.

seeking forgiveness, and praying from sunset to dawn,

Tarawih prayers in Ramadan are revived in this application

A group of recommended supplications on Laylat al-Qadr.

Laylat al-Qadr is one of the nights of the month of Ramadan and the greatest of them in destiny

It was mentioned in the Holy Qur’an that it is “better than a thousand months,” and that it is the blessed night.

In which the Qur’an was revealed.

- The application includes supplications for Laylat al-Qadr, written short without the net, and it is considered Laylat al-Qadr

It is better than a thousand months, and it is considered one of the most famous nights to pray, wherever you are

The gates of heaven are split for the servant of God, and with this application, you have the most famous supplications for Laylat al-Qadr

Written and audio without the net.

Laylat al-Qadr is a regular night that takes place in the last ten days of the blessed month of Ramadan

There is still no compelling evidence of Laylat al-Qadr, as the Messenger maintained it

We seek it in these odd days, and it was mentioned in Sahih Al-Bukhari on the authority of Abu Saeed

Al-Khudri - may God be pleased with him - that the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -

He said, “Seek it in the last ten days, and seek it every odd month.”

Application features:

1- It has an easy-to-use and easy-to-use interface

2- It is divided into several sections.

3- You can make a prayer cup

4- You can enlarge the font to the size that suits you

5- You can share the supplication directly on social networking sites, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and many more

6- A book of Ramadan supplications and the deeds of Laylat al-Qadr, fully colored and coordinated

To download 

click here

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