For all fans of Korean series and movies, this app is for you

… For all fans of Korean series and movies, this app is for you

,If you are a fan of Korean series and movies and find it difficult to obtain them 

we offer you this wonderful

application Viki TV is an application that provides you with many series and movies in different ,languages

the most important of which is Korean

The original with English subtitles, so you can watch Japanese and Korean movies in

 their original language

without any kind of dubbing.

Other things available in the Viki TV catalog are, for example, classic movies

.Like "Metropolis" and "The Little Princess"

But most of the content in the catalog consists of modern Asian films of all genres, from comedies

.And to dramatic movies as well

Viki TV app features

 It is a free application that can be downloaded to your mobile device-

 Viki TV is an excellent way to watch movies and cartoons, which are usually hard to find-

You can watch movies and series on your Android device, as long as you have an

 .available Wi-Fi  network

.To download the application, click here

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