OSCE reference guide application.
The OSCE reference guide is designed and provided free of charge to help prepare medical students and teach them the clinical skills to master the Objective and Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).
This application provides a detailed reference material for preparing a "history" describing the type of questions that students are expected to learn to ask patients for a comprehensive assessment and diagnosis of patients' condition.
The application allows obtaining a valuable set of step-by-step instructions on how to conduct clinical examinations of patients in an organized and simple manner. Organizing the steps of the physical examination of the patient will make each topic easy to understand and follow.
Each category includes information covering Reference, History and Examination among several topics.
Learning material can be saved to a saved list for quicker access for those that you are keen to master.
An Abbreviations list is available to help you remember key phrases commonly used throughout medical practice.
If you feel there are any omissions that you would like to see added, or have any issues with that app please send us an Email.
for download click here
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