Don't worry, you are not the only one who has old black and white photos and wants to color them. However, Android phones do not offer this work. For this reason, we will tell you how to colorize your black and white photos using a magic app.
If you want to colorize those old black and white photos that you have, you've come to the right place. Keep reading and you will find out how it is done!
Colorize Images is a machine learning application for colorizing black and white or grayscale images.
Without a doubt, it is a perfect tool for you if you are looking for a way to colorize your old photos.
You can choose black and white images for coloring from your phone's gallery or from other applications such as Facebook, Twitter or Google Photos. And then these colorized images can be shared with other apps or saved to gallery.
To use the app the first thing you have to do is give the app permissions to access your gallery. Then, click where it says "Choose an image from gallery". After you choose it, the application will take 1 second while the coloring process is going on. Then you will see the color image on your phone screen.
As you can see, it is a very simple process. After the image is colored, it will be up to you to save it or share it with your friends.
To download the application, click here
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