To learn English, start by memorizing new important and translated vocabulary. Here is a series of diverse vocabulary that you may need in your daily life, and your vocabulary will be enriched by that.
Here is a comprehensive lesson on various translated and varied vocabulary.
The largest group of English words translated into Arabic
For starters, the most important thing in learning any language is your vocabulary.
What is the use of studying all the rules without words! The vocabulary is the basis on which your skill in the language is based; The higher your vocabulary, the more fluent and confident you will become. That is why I advise you to collect as many English words as possible, and then memorize a certain number of words per day according to your ability and free time, even if it is only five words per day.
Then do a weekly review of what you saved. After not long, you will be amazed by the result of this persistence.
What should you do to not forget what you save?
First: You must always review the meaning of the word in Arabic, every time you pronounce or write the word that you want to memorize.
Second: Pay attention to the way each word is pronounced, and repeat it clearly when memorizing it, this will help you remember it more easily.
Third: It is not enough to look at and pronounce the word only, you must train yourself to write it more than once.
Fourth: Use every word you memorize to create short, useful phrases. Moving from memorizing words to forming sentences gradually improves your language skills.
Fifth: Apply all the previous tips together, as your use of all your senses becomes later on as a strong barrier to your forgetting words.
Below we will provide you with the best set of English words translated into Arabic that will definitely help you to create the necessary outcome, in order to start your mission.
First: Colors in the English Language (English words)
White.. أبيض
Black.. أسود
Red.. أحمر
Green .. أخضر
Blue .. أزرق
Yellow.. أصفر
Orange .. برتقالي
Pink .. وردي
Brown .. بني
Beige .. بيج
Grey .. رمادي
Turquoise .. فيروزي
Maroon .. كستنائي
Purple .. أرجواني
Violet .. بنفسجي
If the word Light is appended to the color, it means the light shade of the color, such as Light blue, and if it is followed by the word Dark, it is the darker shade of the color, such as Dark green. As for the word Bright if attached to one of the colors, it indicates that the color is bright like Bright red.
Second: Organs of the human body in
English (words in English)
Head .. رأس
Hair .. شعر
Forehead .. جبين
Eye .. عين
Eyebrow .. حاجب
Eyelid .. جفن
Pupil .. بؤبؤ العين
Iris .. قزحية
Eyelash .. رمش
Nose .. أنف
Mouth .. فم
Lips .. شفاه
Tongue .. لسان
Cheek .. خد
Temple .. صدغ
Ear .. أذن
Ear lobe .. شحمة الأذن
Chin .. ذقن
Throat .. حنجرة
Neck .. عنق
Chest .. صدر
Nipple .. حلمة
Armpit .. إبط
Navel – bellybutton .. سرة
Stomach .. معدة
Belly – Tummy .. بطن
Arm.. ذراع
Wrist .. ذراع
Finger .. إصبع
Thumb .. إبهام
Index finger .. السبابة
Middle finger .. الإصبع الأوسط
Ring finger .. إصبع الخاتم
Little finger .. الخنصر
Palm .. راحة اليد
Shoulders .. أكتاف
Shoulder blade .. لوح الكتف
Back .. ظهر
Buttocks .. أرداف
Hamstring .. أوتار الركبة
Elbow .. الكوع
Thigh .. فخذ
Knee .. ركبة
Leg .. ساق
Heel .. كعب
Arch .. قوس القدم
Toes.. إصبع القدم
Big toe .. أصبع القدم الكبير
Ankle ..الكاحل
To continue the lesson (Part Two), follow us by clicking here
Here is a comprehensive lesson on various translated and varied vocabulary.
The largest group of English words translated into Arabic
For starters, the most important thing in learning any language is your vocabulary.
What is the use of studying all the rules without words! The vocabulary is the basis on which your skill in the language is based; The higher your vocabulary, the more fluent and confident you will become. That is why I advise you to collect as many English words as possible, and then memorize a certain number of words per day according to your ability and free time, even if it is only five words per day.
Then do a weekly review of what you saved. After not long, you will be amazed by the result of this persistence.
What should you do to not forget what you save?
First: You must always review the meaning of the word in Arabic, every time you pronounce or write the word that you want to memorize.
Second: Pay attention to the way each word is pronounced, and repeat it clearly when memorizing it, this will help you remember it more easily.
Third: It is not enough to look at and pronounce the word only, you must train yourself to write it more than once.
Fourth: Use every word you memorize to create short, useful phrases. Moving from memorizing words to forming sentences gradually improves your language skills.
Fifth: Apply all the previous tips together, as your use of all your senses becomes later on as a strong barrier to your forgetting words.
Below we will provide you with the best set of English words translated into Arabic that will definitely help you to create the necessary outcome, in order to start your mission.
First: Colors in the English Language (English words)
White.. أبيض
Black.. أسود
Red.. أحمر
Green .. أخضر
Blue .. أزرق
Yellow.. أصفر
Orange .. برتقالي
Pink .. وردي
Brown .. بني
Beige .. بيج
Grey .. رمادي
Turquoise .. فيروزي
Maroon .. كستنائي
Purple .. أرجواني
Violet .. بنفسجي
If the word Light is appended to the color, it means the light shade of the color, such as Light blue, and if it is followed by the word Dark, it is the darker shade of the color, such as Dark green. As for the word Bright if attached to one of the colors, it indicates that the color is bright like Bright red.
Second: Organs of the human body in
English (words in English)
Head .. رأس
Hair .. شعر
Forehead .. جبين
Eye .. عين
Eyebrow .. حاجب
Eyelid .. جفن
Pupil .. بؤبؤ العين
Iris .. قزحية
Eyelash .. رمش
Nose .. أنف
Mouth .. فم
Lips .. شفاه
Tongue .. لسان
Cheek .. خد
Temple .. صدغ
Ear .. أذن
Ear lobe .. شحمة الأذن
Chin .. ذقن
Throat .. حنجرة
Neck .. عنق
Chest .. صدر
Nipple .. حلمة
Armpit .. إبط
Navel – bellybutton .. سرة
Stomach .. معدة
Belly – Tummy .. بطن
Arm.. ذراع
Wrist .. ذراع
Finger .. إصبع
Thumb .. إبهام
Index finger .. السبابة
Middle finger .. الإصبع الأوسط
Ring finger .. إصبع الخاتم
Little finger .. الخنصر
Palm .. راحة اليد
Shoulders .. أكتاف
Shoulder blade .. لوح الكتف
Back .. ظهر
Buttocks .. أرداف
Hamstring .. أوتار الركبة
Elbow .. الكوع
Thigh .. فخذ
Knee .. ركبة
Leg .. ساق
Heel .. كعب
Arch .. قوس القدم
Toes.. إصبع القدم
Big toe .. أصبع القدم الكبير
Ankle ..الكاحل
To continue the lesson (Part Two), follow us by clicking here
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